Exotic Marco says “beautiful musics”

Hi Dylan
thank you for your outburst,
I'm very happy to feel that you have  still the enthusiasm , the energy and needing to go forward.
This year you will have the opportunity to re organize the project without the urgent nagging thoughts to pay to keep a boat so far from you .
You need to focus what could keep the project in life.
I think your Daughter is right,
we all quickly get used to the free entertainment dropping  from youtube,
but if it can't match with the surviving of the project it's time to find a compromise.
Of course take advantage of the visibility that youtube give you  (without i couldn't reach KTL few years ago ...)
maybe , to remind us the needing of the project could  also help let us  see some of the  skill of the editing or writing  , so we can see the real art of the filmmaking in easy way(i remember you recording the narrating voice dived into a mountain of pillows...yeah very funny)
that to show us the difference from other type of sailing films and something nearest to documentary.
and don't matter about the tit sailors, the life is great and there is room for all and all of stuff
About the change of the boat , for me is the same to follow you sailing a centaur or some other boat (also a warm ugly one..hahaha)
i don't aspect from KTL tecnical sailing manouvre,
rather the sensibility of taking wonderfull images and combine with beautiful musics and telling us the story of your journey and of the place you visit,for me and my wife could be a dream sail togheter like you and  Jill when we will be 60..
Thank you for sharing your very well crafted sailing films ,
we keep follow
thanks M
I am 61 now - I do not know how fit I will be next year or the year after.  I am in a rush
I do not want to waste 1217 sitting at a computer. I want to do the tough stuff while I am still able
I am now p[osting emails because they are more interesting than anything I am doing at the moment
thanks for chipping in Marco - you are a good man
This is about Dylan Winter's Blog, Sailing around Britain.

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