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4 miles south of South Pender Island, 6 miles north of Orcas Island, the map doesn’t show anything less than about 50 fathoms and we hit strong currents on the surface like you did. Amazing what happens a long way from shore when the currents meet! Orkneys remind me strongly of the San Juans here in Washington state. Great place to be with a sail boat!
Thanks Dylan, love the film. The Yole, ?correct spelling, appear to sail very nicely. They are a similar concept to my boat with a long shallow keel and lots of room for people. I can also easily carry two families of four in my 16′ Scruffie for local island exploration. The lack of a centreboard is a compromise in terms of up wind performance but off the wind the speed is good and the lack of a centreboard case makes sleeping on board easier. I do find boat design fascinating, many aspects offer a benefit but also a compromise. On a recent visit to the UK I picked up a copy of one of the boating monthlies which had an article on two new designs of trailer-sailers. I was surprised that people would want to fit a chemical toilet into the already small cabin of such a boat. Looking at the pictures it would appear the lid of the toilet also doubles as a table! Is the bucket and chuck it option possible in your waters?
Keep the films coming, tap coming
Thank you for a lovely sail, Dylan.
I truly enjoy our time together ;)
Enjoyed the film on my sons 50″ monster TV. Quality of the picture & sound is superb. He’s living at Lynfield cove, Auckland NZ.
Oh my gosh – what a treat, Dylan. From the walk on the rocky beach, the tour around the island with your story, great photos and graphics, some real sailing, scary tidal surges, dramatic coastline, and finally that delightful sail with those lovely old clinker-built boats. A great way to start the day. Thanks once again.