KeepTurningLeft Season 7 part 6 Chichester Harbour to Newtown Creek

A lovely day sail along the Solent.

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Pay what you like - you can send money to my email

[email protected]

or you can send a cheque or cash to

My address is Genoa Lodge, Deben Lane, Waldringfield, Suffolk IP12 4QN

Each of these films takes about three weeks to edit. I have 12 more films in the can before I run out of material. These films will cover the West Coast of Shetland including Scalloway, the rough nightime crossing of the Pentland Firth,down to Loch Eribol, around Cape Wrath which was a pussycat that day, down the North Minch to the Summer Isles, to the amazing Handa,Loch Drambuie, Salen, Tobermory, the sound of Mull, CorryVrekan, Craobh, through the Crinan canal and the Clyde to Glasgow - and a few more places along the way.

If I am to re-boot the series with a boat that can keep me, the camera gear and my clothes dry and warm I need to average £2K per film - or about a third of the money that the bikini sailors earn per Week. Thanks for considering helping that happen



chcih fchich gchich hchcih echich dchich cchich bchich achich01

This is about Centaur Project, Dylan Winter's Blog, KTL 7 The Solent By Centaur.

9 Responses to “KeepTurningLeft Season 7 part 6 Chichester Harbour to Newtown Creek”

  1. 22 February, 2015 at 1:57 pmJ-Star Sailing says:

    Great video of the area.

  2. 22 February, 2015 at 3:18 pmZoran says:

    Dylan, great video !
    re numbering the videos – shouldn’t this be number 5 ? Had 4a, 4b before this one …. now this comes as number 6..
    makes me a bit confused

  3. 22 February, 2015 at 3:40 pmdylan winter says:

    sorry about that – I have decided to give them separate numbers as part of my campaign against confusion for MOBs

  4. 22 February, 2015 at 3:44 pmZoran says:

    right… it is true that we (I) are easily confused :)
    just watched it again with my ‘morning’ coffee ( well it is Sunday after all !)
    I have in my backyard about 2-3′ of snow, and forecast for tonight -20C, with windchill factor -30C..
    that’s why I love Canada
    cannot wait and go to do some work on my ‘new’ old boat.. Vivacity 20
    really looking forward to this sailing season here
    how’s your move etc going on
    the best

  5. 22 February, 2015 at 4:21 pmdylan winter says:

    I thought I would try something a bit different. I made the film and then the next morning sat and watched it with my coffee (instant) – just as you did. I then trimmed the shots. It is weird how second time around you start to notice stuff in the background. The long shot of the green yacht has a lady working on her foredeck behind who I never noticed


  6. 26 February, 2015 at 12:45 ampeter cash says:

    Zoran, a Vivacity in canada. wow, last time l saw one was in eastern lake ontario, years ago. always wanted one, almost got one on Kijiji few years ago, got a UK potter instead. but it was a “project” boat sans rig and everything else. pity.

  7. 26 February, 2015 at 9:34 pmZoran says:

    Peter, I found her last year about 100km west of Toronto. I also have a Signet 20 bilge keel, in a need of complete restoration but it is complete and in good shape. Thinking about selling her because as usual wife is complaining that I have ‘too many boats’…. you can never have too many boats in my opinion, like you can never bee too rich :)
    cheers from Montreal, Z

  8. 1 March, 2015 at 4:29 pmpeter cash says:

    signet 20, oooh! please email me if she goes up for sale.. trailer? [email protected].
    it was one of my dream boats at the mid 1960’s london show, way out of my reach, so got a new Holt dinghy but really should have gone for the used Lysander l saw. sold the dinghy to buy my air fare to Canada in 1970. l was here for one mth and crewed sharks and Int14’s. within 18 mths had a old , read rotton, wood east coast 28′ ketch to start cruising. cotton sails no less, antique…saw a snapdrogon 20 before xmas at a great price but had major delaminating issues at the mast step. might just have to sell my wifes Holder 17 or my cuddy starcraft used for the family beach runs. really have to keep my gunter beach cruiser though.

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