KTL 06 film Littlehampton to Newhaven

Littlehampton to Newhaven

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4 Responses to “KTL 06 film Littlehampton to Newhaven”

  1. 10 November, 2010 at 1:01 am[email protected] says:

    Unfotunately, rich people manage to get their way regardless of what working folk need. The same thing is happening in the New York area. Venerable old boatyards are sold off for waterfront condos that working people can’t possibly afford to live in. Soon, a salty old area looks like a Disney movie set.

  2. 10 November, 2010 at 9:04 amkeepturningleft says:

    I assume some-one has lost their shirt over this development. Thats one of the good things about the windfarms – they are bringing jobs back to the coast – men who care about the tides and the weather and the impact of salt water on steel


  3. 28 May, 2011 at 12:25 pmbklnbrick says:

    It’s very important to make sure the various factions of wealth continually pummel one another with competing interests, so that less rich people can find some advantage between the neat rows of commodities. Sadly, there is very effective leadership among the rich, and the less rich don’t do much pummeling.

  4. 1 May, 2013 at 8:28 pmJonathan says:

    How many working class men have steady employment building the condos in question? It’s sort of silly reading nasty comments about “rich people” on a website for people who enjoy sailing as a hobby which means that we’re all likely in the upper 1% of people in the world in terms of real income per capita. But if it makes you feel better, have at it.

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