KTL 9 film Rye to Dover via Dungeness

Rye, Dungeness and Dover

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3 Responses to “KTL 9 film Rye to Dover via Dungeness”

  1. 29 June, 2012 at 7:46 amThe Real Madfish says:

    I am really enjoying these vids, we did this trip in reverse earlier this year and the information you give is fascinating.

  2. 6 January, 2013 at 5:30 pmdexdexter says:

    ahahaa, anyone taught you how to talk to “radio”

  3. 8 January, 2013 at 12:46 pmdylan winter says:

    one day course…. but if you listen to the radio chatter it is all pretty informal

    so I spoke to the blokes the way the locals do

    pleased I managed to avoid being run over

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