Snapdragon back from the dead

Yesterday I spent the day doing some filming for Practical Boat Owner =  I did some writing for them back in the 80's and here I am again - working for them.

The magazine has bought an old Snapdragon 23 for £500 - it has been mouldering in a corner of a yard by a chicken farm for 20 years

A good one has just come up on ebay and it looks like this


After filming an interview about collision regulations Ben Meakins, the features editor at PBO took me to see the boat - it is a stripped out hull that is going to take a massive a mount of effort to put into the sort of shape that the ebay boat is in

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3 Responses to “Snapdragon back from the dead”

  1. 6 May, 2012 at 2:02 pmPaul Mullings says:

    A good keen man!!!!

  2. 12 May, 2016 at 10:10 pmRobert says:

    what happened to this since?

  3. 12 May, 2016 at 10:11 pmdylan winter says:

    they finished it – made a great job of it and then sold it

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