Sailing around Britain

KTL 15 West of Scotland – Slate Islands and Loch Etive in 4K and download with location sound

This is for the purists among you…. and download I suggest you choose std HD otherwwise the file is massive

Mr Stainless Fisher 25 Bonsu

Tim, here are some snaps of the fisher 25 with pukka legs Feel free to have look at Bonsu she is in berth H258 at the moment. the pins do not appear to pass right throogh to the inner gunwhale – but I think it would be sensible and add a stainl;ess plate to the […]

Script and images from Moray 5

If you wish to donload this film go to the vimeo button on the bottom and click it – that will open the film on a vimeo page – there you wiill find a download button

KTL West Scotland – Craignish and Shuna in 4K – with some music

KTL West Scotland – Craignish and Shuna in 4K – with no music

Giant folding Bikes

Dear Giant people, Could you pass this on up the line a bit This is my website I have been making films about sailing around Britain for the past seven years This is my youtube site 1.3 million hits    it shows half a million minutes watched over the past month This a […]

All the seasons in chronological order and the interactive map up to date