Sailing The Forth 4 – The Reaper Returns 4K

A short clip of the mighty reaper returning to Anstruther

This is about KTL 10 Sailing the Forth.

7 Responses to “Sailing The Forth 4 – The Reaper Returns 4K”

  1. 24 September, 2018 at 8:44 amTed Timberlake says:

    Brilliant x 2. I am so pleased that you are back in the land of the blogging. These two have started my week off really well, and a bright and sunny but cold start to what is forecast to be a sunny week. The Reaper is some craft, and it is good to see her being handled in such an expert way. The Bass Rock is just amazing, and your usual input adds much to the visual experience. OK, sucking up over, must get on. Cheque away soonest.

  2. 24 September, 2018 at 9:48 pmDominic Duncan says:

    It is so lovely to see areas that I know well but from the sea. I am afraid that due to the fin keel on my beloved Merganser such exploration by myself on the firth of forth is unlikely.

  3. 24 September, 2018 at 9:56 pmdylan winter says:

    being depth challenged can be a real affliction

  4. 28 September, 2018 at 1:33 pmApplescruffs says:

    Amazing and beautiful birds Gannets, until I’d seen one ‘in the flesh,(feather ?)’ I had no idea how big they were, huge birds gracefully skimming just above the waves made a sight I will always remember.

    Bass Rock is a place all to itself, great description Dylan and insight into its past.

    This is a great little series of films, here’s looking forward to the next..



  5. 30 September, 2018 at 10:02 amdylan winter says:

    funny – I always think that gannets look kind of gawky on the ground but perfect in the air

  6. 29 October, 2018 at 4:16 pmDavid J says:

    Does the light at Bass Rock have a human tender? What was that fellow doing on the rock who was briefly seen? Is the downwind aroma powerful?

  7. 29 October, 2018 at 4:29 pmdylan winter says:

    It smells a bit “natural” for sure – but worth it. The bloke had canoed there. In scotland you are allowed to land – no keep off notices anywhere. Very refreshing compared to the solent where keep off signs are everywhere. I think that there is no need to man lighthouses anymore. At one time most of the lighthouse keepers on small islands had vegetable gardens and often a cow or a goat. Sounds like a nice life for a quiet person.
    When I was in Orkney and looking at those ww2 gun emplacements I thought that being a man told to stand there with binoculars for three years watching birds and dolphins would be an okay way to survive a war.

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