Personally, I’ll wait for the voice over version. Your commentary is at least half the reason why I watch your videos.
Hi Dylan. I like. Commentary well thought out… and a very brief glimpse of the only Devon Yawl on the Tay in background at beginning of the race sequence, doing her stuff. Bliss. Well worth a few coins just for that! Ted
Hi Dylan,
I personally prefer your videos with the commentary / voice over which are both entertaining and informative. Many thanks,
Hi Dylan. Just viewed the version without voice over, and my first reaction is same as that of yesterday, that I prefer the one with your observations. Obviously a difficult call as to what to include and what to leave out and thus enhance the atmosphere, but there is much that your comments have added to the experience of the visit and sailing the Tay. Ted
Much prefer without voice over. Rounded off by Skye Air is a nice touch.
I thought the version without your voiceover was a bit like watching a David Attenborough film without David Attenborough, good film work and pleasant sound track but lacking an authentic commentary and the interesting facts about what I was actually looking at. I must admit that personally I’m not so keen on the musical interludes during the film, does David do that with his films?. great job overall look forward to next one…
Re your second para… I generally am a once only type of person, whether films, books and stuff. What I do watch a second or third or more times are by subject and content, so I do not think that I am necessarily influenced by something being with or without voice over. Hope that helps, but of course I am one out of many that enjoy KTL. Ted
Without your very entertaining, informative and often witty comments in voice over, your films would be only half as interesting and probably tedious to watch! And I love your choice of music!!!!!! I started to look Tay 2 without voice over, but after 5 minutes decided that I’ll wait for the one with voice over.
Hi Dylan. Tay 2 is quiet and interesting! but I prefer your voice over.
Interesting historical stuff. Little snippets of who done what to whom in the past a great history lesson and that is what coastal cruising is all about surely?
You always seem to have the knack of when to let the view tell the story.
Bryan T
I definitely prefer “with” rather than “without”. It’s your bits of history and what we are looking at that make the videos for me.
I do re-watch your videos at times and also re-read books as and when the mood takes me.
The final sunset pan round of this video is wonderful, snug cabin, great sunset and the tranquillity of the anchorage…..great stuff!
I lasted 3 minutes and stopped watching. Without voiceover have no idea what is going on nor the history of the place. Just ‘watching some guy’s random vids’. If it wasn’t for your backstory and such I’d never have stayed a fan of KTL. I’ll check back and when posted will watch and enjoy the voiceover version. I wonder if your comments on Scotland politics brought out the ‘no voiceover’ viewers?
+1 for the voice over. I would have been wondering what those column stumps next to the railway bridge. were What ruins many sailing vlogs is the music
Please bear with me I may ramble a bit
The KTL films are a record of your voyage around this wonderfull group of islands, not anyone elses, as such your commentry is a part of that voyage. Unless you are familiar with an area a picture of a navigational aid or some ruins could be anywhere, the commentry ties them down to a time a place and some times why they are there.
But its much more than that, we get an insight into how things make you feel, the passage back from Shetland being a prime example.
When you were on the Humber my home waters you showed parts I had not seen and gave a different insight into some that I know well.
There was a fashion for so called coffee table books, just full of pictures, nice to flip through but you would not read it cover to cover.
Without commentry a film is a bit like one of those books, very pretty but!
As for comments dissagreeing with you bravo to both sides what a boring place if everybody agreed with everything
By the way did I say the film with the commentry is missing something
I look forward to the complete version and hope the KTL project is restarted
Said I was rambling
That should read
By the way did I say the film WITHOUT the commentry is missing something
I will add my vote for your commentaries Dylan. The filming is superb and the commentary adds some indefinable Dylanness which makes it all much better.
For sure, keep the voice over. Just one persons humble opinion, as much as the silent version is calm and relaxing the loss of commentary is too much price to pay.
Greetings from the antipodes. I’m with those above… the voice tracks are part of the story and why I really enjoy the films. If I just wanted scenery, i’d be watching vlogs with more bikinis!
Dylan “unplugged” , now there’s a thought, but not for me I’m afraid,
I agree with Drew et al that it’s the commentaries and observations that make the films stand out, and for me it’s your sideways take on things and sometimes controversial dialogue that keeps the thing eminently watchable…
Which is a good thing.
If I had to choose, I’d have the commentary. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the version without voice-over or music because the original soundtrack sucked me straight in to the sailing experience. The background music that you use for your videos is excellent by the way but it can create a somewhat idylic feel although your commentaries are excellent. Informative, often pithy observations and I think I’d soon miss that. If only there was some way of switching from with to without whilst watching. You could try left and right channels but I don’t think that would be very satifactory.
If you had the time, maybe selecting the odd video that has a good original soundtrack (like this one) as an unencumbered bonus?
Voice over always, Dylan. You do such an excellent job with your research and presentation.