KeepTurningLeft Season 4 Film 12 Wisbech and the Great Drain
Wisbech and the Drain

Thanks for watching the film. If you wish to stream it then use the expander button on the film and click to HD to watch it at it best stream. If you wish to download the film in HD then you can access the digits by clicking on the vimeo logo on the bottom right of the film,setting up a free viemo account and the download links will miraculously appear. The films are available for freemans - a gift from one MOB small boat sailor to another. If you are enjoying the films and want to encourage me to continue with the journey and posting films please feel free to make a speciously hypothecated contribution towards the project. All funds will be spent on completing and filming the journey around Britain or replacing the cameras that get eaten away by salt water. Feel free to make copies of the films for other sailors to watch.
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Pay what you like - you can send money to my email
[email protected]
or you can send a cheque or cash to
My address is Genoa Lodge, Deben Lane, Waldringfield, Suffolk IP12 4QN
This is about KTL 4 : The Broads to North Norfolk.