I thought it was time that I reminded myself about some of the places I have been while sailing a string of small old boats around this wonderful coast. Going back and filming the bits of the moray and the Forth that I missed has complicated the time-line some-what. I hope this film clears ball that up
On the right hand side you can access all the films in low bandwidth versions that look okay on a phone. So if all you want to do is to find out what happens next and make a comment then the films are all still there.
They will also work on your tablet or laptop - but they will look a bit soupy if you expand the window too much. They are low bandwidth and are easy to download - just click on the vimeo logo bottom right of the frame and then it will offer you a full screen version and a choice of download options
I know this is not as easy or convenient as youtube - for either of us. HTML coding is the dullest most precise thing I have ever done. Youtube does all that for me and lays it all out beautifully.
Youtube is a wonderful platform. I spend hours watching it - I get most of my American political news from it. I also watch sailing films on there
- try these people -
But for the sort of films I make, at 10,000 views per film, youtube is no longer working....
this bloke is making excellent films and charging £1 for them
He also uses all natural sound.. I thought a dollar per film would be a good place to start. here on KTL LCS
My films stand up pretty well to being viewed on a big telly - none of them are without faults, there is no drone footage and the google earth shots need more work - however the sailing is honest and natural - and the commentary is often quite good. I do hardly any live yakking at the camera - my face is too ugly. However, I do think very carefully about every line of the voice overs.
Sorry about disabling the comments on the youtube film
if you want a rant......
Hi, been enjoying your shows for some time and would love to purchase them in higher quality, how can I do that?
Have you seen this couple sailing an old boat arround Austailia
I reckon they will be Aus verson of you and Jill in another 40 years
Glad to see you are still arround was wondering
Tapped you a small donation on top of the extra charge per video. Hope this approach is working for you.
Tapped again today – not a mistake. Downloaded the pt 2 of falmouth delivery. Probably will watch another 1 or two to catch up just in vimeo on the ktl site.
We all think it’s very worth doing….:)