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Wonderful stuff Dylan.
As always something to keep the spirit up during the long winter months.
Best watched with a wee dram to help those ailing spirits…
Lovely area.
I visited the clan castle (Foulis Castle) there on a visit to the UK in 2012. I remember the bridge and platforms well.
Keep them coming Dylan!
Hi Dylan. I’ve just chipped in not much but best an old pensioner can do, I have a demanding Mistress who also enjoyes the water but a maintenance program is currently under way. The Moray looks delightful or maybe it’s your chat that makes it so. It’s delightful particularly after a cold day in the wind on Buckler hard. But each task is a shot nearer Job Done. So both of us must keep going.
Really a nice looking area.
“people not enligthened enough to own a boat” – I like that one.
Enjoying the latest, and hopefully not last, films very much. The VO audio is now spot-on BTW. I particularly enjoyed seeing the oil rigs – old friends, some of them, having spent sixteen years of my life on them in just about every ocean. I realize not everyone enjoys these technical marvels, but they have afforded me the chance to witness some awesome weather – 60 foot waves, 100 knot winds – from a point of relative comfort and safety. Not many of us yotties have had the privilege of front row seats for Mother Nature’s epic shows. We are pretty insignificant…even on the deck of a rig. But I digress. I hope the Fisher fund is progressing and that we will see more output from the KTL cameras. I have ‘tapped’ accordingly. Cheers from the land of solid water!
I too loved the line about ‘not enlightened enough to own a boat’, although when I worked as a sailing instructor, I prided myself on sailing other people’s boats – far cheaper. Now I have a hole in the water lined with dissolving money but wouldn’t have it any other way. Keep up the films Dylan if you can, keeping the dream alive of doing my own KTL around the UK. Current plan though is all of the E coast of Aus in my little 26 footer (3-4m waves etc!!!). I tossed some coin into the bucket too