Moray 6 – Cromarty Firth

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This is about KTL 12 Moray Firth, Sailing around Britain.

13 Responses to “Moray 6 – Cromarty Firth”

  1. 9 February, 2019 at 2:42 pmDave says:

    Wonderful stuff Dylan.

  2. 9 February, 2019 at 3:03 pmdylan winter says:

    thanks Dave

    it is the nicest place to sail that I have been so far

    not been to the west coast places yet though


  3. 9 February, 2019 at 8:57 pmDominic Duncan says:

    As always something to keep the spirit up during the long winter months.
    Best watched with a wee dram to help those ailing spirits…

  4. 9 February, 2019 at 9:54 pmAlan Monroe says:

    Lovely area.

    I visited the clan castle (Foulis Castle) there on a visit to the UK in 2012. I remember the bridge and platforms well.

    Keep them coming Dylan!


  5. 9 February, 2019 at 11:05 pmBryan T yacht Difran 2 Beaulieu River says:

    Hi Dylan. I’ve just chipped in not much but best an old pensioner can do, I have a demanding Mistress who also enjoyes the water but a maintenance program is currently under way. The Moray looks delightful or maybe it’s your chat that makes it so. It’s delightful particularly after a cold day in the wind on Buckler hard. But each task is a shot nearer Job Done. So both of us must keep going.

  6. 9 February, 2019 at 11:15 pmJacob K. says:

    Really a nice looking area.
    “people not enligthened enough to own a boat” – I like that one.

  7. 10 February, 2019 at 12:12 amdylan winter says:

    I was going to say “too poor” in the script – but that is not true – anyone can afford a canoe and I understand that there are some quite wealthy people who do not appear to want to ever own a boat – hard to beleive I know.


  8. 10 February, 2019 at 7:28 amdylan winter says:

    Thanks BT,

    Not bragging but I did all my varnishing between 14th Jan and end of Jan – I brought the mast, spars and rudder ashore and slapped varnish over everything. All back on the boat and in full commission (sans berth cushions of course). The birds this time of yer are magnificent. it has been a bit windy these past few days but the weather man is predicting a fine week ahead.


    PS – OK bragging a bit then

  9. 10 February, 2019 at 9:04 amdylan winter says:

    Just one Monroe castle – the Campbells had scores of them

  10. 10 February, 2019 at 1:53 pmJim Legere says:

    Enjoying the latest, and hopefully not last, films very much. The VO audio is now spot-on BTW. I particularly enjoyed seeing the oil rigs – old friends, some of them, having spent sixteen years of my life on them in just about every ocean. I realize not everyone enjoys these technical marvels, but they have afforded me the chance to witness some awesome weather – 60 foot waves, 100 knot winds – from a point of relative comfort and safety. Not many of us yotties have had the privilege of front row seats for Mother Nature’s epic shows. We are pretty insignificant…even on the deck of a rig. But I digress. I hope the Fisher fund is progressing and that we will see more output from the KTL cameras. I have ‘tapped’ accordingly. Cheers from the land of solid water!

  11. 10 February, 2019 at 3:10 pmdylan winter says:

    Thanks Jim,

    now that I am digging into the material I have enough things to say for two films – one will be about white sands and gunnery point. The other about Inverness and the Beauly which is another thrust deep inland.

    After that I will get stuck into the remaining season covering the second Centaur – a winter in cornwall, the jouney up the Irish Sea and then the short spell in scotland before abruptly pulling the plugs and selling the best engine I have ever owned – which also came with a boat around it.

    I have often wondered what it would be like to be on an oil rig in a good blow. to watch those waves rolling past. I get a lot of personal delight in a good blow observed from a place of safety – even in a marina it is good to hear the power of the wind in the masts

    50 miles an hour wind and 5C with a bright blue sky yesterday so I did go out on the estuary but stuck to the sheltered spots where the wind was only half as strong. Your part of the world is a tough one – it must be an amazing feeling in the spring when you see your first stretch of open water.

    I too have driven that bridge many times and wondered what it would be like to sail right close to them. Now I have … and I guess in a way you have too.

    One of the great things about this adventure was sailing under bridges or up estuaries that I had only seen from a car. I had hoped to be doing more if it this year but….

    at the moment the films are earning about £300 each – and I currently have an £11,000 gap between what I have in the bank and the price of a reliable fisher. I have about Ten more films to make – so, unless this plan of persuading people to chip in for the words rather than the films, this project is not going to get me back to scotland. That might have to wait until I retire and the pensions kick in.

    Thanks for helping me to close the gap.


  12. 10 February, 2019 at 9:50 pmRoss Coleman says:

    I too loved the line about ‘not enlightened enough to own a boat’, although when I worked as a sailing instructor, I prided myself on sailing other people’s boats – far cheaper. Now I have a hole in the water lined with dissolving money but wouldn’t have it any other way. Keep up the films Dylan if you can, keeping the dream alive of doing my own KTL around the UK. Current plan though is all of the E coast of Aus in my little 26 footer (3-4m waves etc!!!). I tossed some coin into the bucket too


  13. 10 February, 2019 at 10:49 pmdylan winter says:

    I confess that I prefer to sail my own small boat than a bigger one that belongs to another person. The biggest boat I have ever been on was a 33 foot westerly. It seemed too big and too crowded with people. I like the freedom to stop and have a look at things – or put her hove to for an afternoon kip. Also as a cameraman I am often up early for the light or sailing and filming until it is almost dark. I have had quite a few offers from kind people offering me to accompany them on their jaunts around the west coast but my reply is always the same – I am an unfit person with whom to share a boat. I sail too close to the shore and too slowly for most people. |I seldom go to the pub.

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