Brutal message from Pete a proud freeloader from Suffolk

Hi Dylan,

I've followed your vlog for many years and have seen almost all your videos on utube. That's right I'm a freeloader! However, I don't feel at all guilty, not even the slightest pang. Let me explain.

You Mr Winter are solely responsible for my exponentially increasing overdraft and impending financial ruin. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have bought a Westerly and I wouldn't be broke. I now appreciate why you were forced to sell the boat you loved. I'm glad you're broke because so am I. However, I will without doubt miss your beautiful cinematography and maybe even to some degree your ramblings. If you can give me your assurance the videos will continue I will donate as much as I can. If however you can't afford to continue then something has to be done to save your vlog or at least give you the opportunity to keep sailing "shitty little boats", your words! My Merlin is currently in West Mersea but come April she will be moored at the RHSC on the Orwell, which I understand is not far from you. If you want to continue sailing then I'd happily let you have the use of Sulaire during the week and on some weekends in return for more of those wonderful vlogs and perhaps you sharing some of your sailing experience with us.

I do hope you find a way to continue your adventures, one way or another.

A faithful freeloader,


Westerly Merlin

Dear pete,

thanks for the mid week offer of you boat. That is really nice of you. I could not borrow another man's boat as I sail very close to the edge and might damage it horribly. Then where would we be - you would have even less money

I am afraid I cannot accept your lind offer of jam tommorrow in return for a guarantee that the films will continue as I have no idea what my cash flow will be.

I have 11 nore films to get you into the habit of chipping in for your entertainment rather than some future boat. I fear though you are a lost case. My advice is to rip the films off the web and squirrel them away on a hard drive for safe keeping.

The donkey has gone unfed for too long and is on its last legs

send snap of boat asap


This is about Dylan Winter's Blog, Sailing around Britain.

6 Responses to “Brutal message from Pete a proud freeloader from Suffolk”

  1. 2 March, 2017 at 10:03 pmPete says:

    I do hope that bloody donkey finds a little more strength to keep going. I’m sure I can scratch around for a few coppers in the hope it’s a help. I wish you all the best and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for future KTL videos.


  2. 2 March, 2017 at 10:11 pmdylan winter says:

    Supine Donkey – it might be just resting

    Westerly Merlin

  3. 3 March, 2017 at 3:01 pmjack says:

    Or it might pining for the Norwegian fjords

    Sorry couldn’t resist !

  4. 3 March, 2017 at 3:24 pmdylan winter says:

    all python references gratefully received and enjoyed

  5. 28 March, 2020 at 1:39 pmMalcolm says:

    Hi Dylan,
    Great videos, shame you are running out of cash, one comment though, perhaps I’m being thick, but you dont make it easy to donate. I clicked on the Paypal button, logged onto my account, but there was no link to you to allow me to pay….
    Have you thrown in the towel and are no longer accepting donations ? Hope not


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